Is The Room (Book Cover), archival ink print, 2012, with: Yasmine Karrenberg


Poems: Rosetta Ballet Jenkins

Art: Grace Roselli

In 2013 I was asked by Debra DiBlasi of Jaded Ibis Press to make a visual interpretation of Rosetta Ballew Jenkin’ first published book of poems, “IS THE ROOM”.

In Rosetta's poem 'As if she were something opened', there is a sentence "she lines the walls with herself". I imagined Rosetta’s walls, as a site lined with a woman’s vulnerability, somewhere between the semi-conscious mind and perceived reality-the place to work out what happened "Is The Room”.

To visually explore this idea, I created a set in my studio with glassine- a transparent drawing paper 'boundary' that can be punched, pummeled and ripped down; mirrored Mylar paper and a brightly lit white wall. Then I invited various individuals to interact with the settings, to perform what they felt defined their relationships to themselves, each other, and to myself as recorder.

